Title: Decision analytics using data-driven modelling and evidential reasoning
Decision analytics allow individuals and organizations to transform data and combine evidence to support informed decision making. However, most real-world decision making problems are often characterised by different types of information. In this talk, I will give an introduction to the evidential reasoning (ER) rule and the belief rule based (BRB) methodology in the context of decision analytics under uncertainties. The ER rule constitutes a generic conjunctive probabilistic reasoning process and generalises Dempster’s rule and Bayesian inference, while the BRB methodology shares functionalities with Bayesian network through combining the ER algorithm and belief IF-THEN rules. Examples and real-world applications will briefly discussed.
陈玉旺(Yu-wang Chen)博士,于2008年在上海交通大学自动化系控制科学与工程专业获工学博士学位,现为英国曼彻斯特大学决策科学高级讲师(Senior Lecturer/ Associate Professor in Decision Sciences)。此前2008年至2011年分别在香港浸会大学计算机系和英国曼彻斯特大学决策与认知科学研究中心开展博士后研究。2011年4月在欧洲科技合作计划(European COST)资助下任西班牙Malaga大学Visiting Scholar。其主要研究领域为决策分析、最优化方法、风险分析和供应链管理等。近年来作为项目负责人或主要完成人承担完成EPSRC, ERC, NSFC等资助的多项科研项目。并在EJOR, C&OR, IEEE T-SMC, IS等期刊和会议上发表了学术论文40余篇。并担任多个国际期刊的副主编或编委,包括Decision Analytics,Web Intelligence和International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management。
Dr. Yu-Wang Chen is Senior lecturer in decision sciences at the University of Manchester. Prior to his current appointment, he was a postdoctoral research associate and then appointed as a lecturer at 2011 at the Decision and Cognitive Sciences (DCS) research centre of the University of Manchester, and a postdoctoral research fellow at the Department of Computer Science, Hong Kong Baptist University. He received the PhD degree in control and system engineering from the Department of Automation, Shanghai Jiao Tong University in 2008.
He has published over 40 papers in journals and conferences, such as European Journal of Operational Research, Computers & Operation Research, Information Sciences and IEEE T-SMC. He holds and has completed as PI/Co-I several research projects funded by ERC, UK EPSRC, NSFC, etc. He is serving and served as associate editor of Journal of Decision Analytics, Web Intelligence and Agent Systems: An International Journal, editorial board member of International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management, special session organiser or programme committee member of a series of conferences, and UK ESPRC peer review member. His current research interests are mainly in the areas of decision analysis under uncertainties, modelling and optimization of complex systems, and risk analysis in supply chains.